Town's Edge Technology

Professional Solutions for Small Business


What is Town's Edge Technology?

Town's Edge Technology, LLC provides computer and information technology services and solutions to small businesses and consumers in Eastern Wisconsin and elsewhere via the internet.

My name is Neil M. Sheldon, and I have been working as a programmer for other I.T. Consulting companies since 1997. I started this company in January of 2004, in order to bring to small businesses the skills which are generally only available to big companies.


The following are just some of the services Town's Edge Technology can provide for you:


Town's Edge Technology works for:


Because the customers I am seeking do not specialize, neither does Town's Edge Technology. I have experience with a variety of modern programming tools, operating systems and relational databases. Please review my projects for a small sample. All of this experience gives me a solid basis for very quickly picking up new technologies, as well. And, even if I don't know it, chances are I know someone else who does.


If you are interested in learning more, please contact me.